Also become a sustainable supercharger?

Remove carbon with us and support the transition towards biobased materials

Due to its fast growth and long lifespan, bamboo is an efficient crop in terms of carbon sequestration.

Bamboo is also the fastest renewable commodity and it can store as much as 1.662 ton CO2 per m³ of bamboo in dense materials.

The negative CO2 footprint of bamboo

The triple compensation effect of bamboo

1. Carbon stored in durable products
2. Avoided CO2 because of substitution effect
3. Carbon locked in the bamboo ecosystem

Taking the 3 above compensation effects into account bamboo can avoid the emissions of more than 1000 tons of CO2 per hectare. This is considerably higher than fast growing wood species such as Chinese Fir.

However, note that this only applies if a bamboo forest is brought under management (annual harvesting) to stimulate the fast growth.

The triple compensation effect of bamboo
(P. van der Lugt, Booming Bamboo 2018)

Help us making impact

The transition towards renewable commodities is essential to lower our global footprint. By buying CO2-certificates you support this badly-needed transition.

The bamboo farms are not only contributing to SDG 13 on climate action. The year-round green bamboo regenerates degraded farmland and protects it against erosion and desertification. The plants retain water in the soil and lower soil temperature. After a few years the bamboo field becomes an attracting ecosystem for animals, insects, plants and fungi.

Click on the image to get more info about our SDG’s

Carbon removal credits
through bamboo fields

Currently we plant bamboo in Alcoutim, Portugal on barren land. The carbon sequestration potential is substantial, about 48 ton per year / hectare.

Our carbon removal certificates (CRCs) or CO2-certificates are verified and certified via ONCRA. ONCRA stands for Open Natural Carbon Removal Accounting and is an initiative of The Climate Cleanup Foundation, backed by Dutch government institutions, ASN Bank and other ecosystem partners.

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In a nutshell

Europe stands behind carbon removal

The EU carbon removal certification framework aims to scale up carbon removal activities and fight greenwashing by empowering businesses to show their action in this field.

Achieving climate neutramity by 2050 will require reduction of emissions as well as carbon removal to compensate for unavoidable emissions.

On 20 February 2024, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached a provisional agreement on the CRCF Regulation, establishing the first EU-wide voluntary framework for certifying carbon removals, carbon farming and carbon storage in products generated in Europe. 

Our carbon removal certificates fall within the strategy of the E.U. on carbon removals and carbon farming.

TEDx talk of Pablo van der Lugt about the posibilities of bamboo as a powerful tool for carbon removal and an alternative for many commodities.

BambooLogic carbon removal credits, money well spent.

Convinced that carbon removal credits are so much more than only offsetting? You are not alone. Companies such as Microsoft, Stripe, Swiss Re and UBS are pioneering the purchase of CRCs to provide capital for carbon removal projects, making a significant contribution to climate, nature and economy.

93% of the revenues of our carbon removal certificates (CRCs) are used to incentivise the bamboo farmers and Bamboologic who are removing and storing carbon through their bamboo fields.

7% is allocated towards The Climate Cleanup Foundation to run the Open Natural Carbon Removal Accounting system (ONCRA). This enables more carbon removal projects to be certified and verified. It is the ambition of The Climate Cleanup Foundation to Double Nature and remove 1.500 Gigaton of carbon dioxide. Read more…

Carbon accounting
For every ton of CO2 removed a certificate is produced. Your ownership of the certificate is administered in the ledger.
As a company you receive an invoice of the transaction, proving together with the certificates and the ledger that you are truely contributing. These documents are important for your carbon accounting.

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