Jan Oprins 

cultivation | bamboo propagation | shareholder

Jan holds more than 30 years of experience as one of the largest commercial bamboo growers worldwide. He runs successful bamboo plantations & nurseries in Indonesia, South-Africa & Spain. During his career Jan has cooperated in the establishement of more than 25.000 hectares of bamboo fields worldwide.

He is also a renown bamboo author, international consultant and world leading bamboo propagation specialist.

Jan is involved in Bamboologic because of his enormous belief that the time to implement sustainable managed bamboo fields in Europe is now. Together with other believers of bamboo in Europe, Jan already investigated the possibilities in 1995 with the Bamboo for Europe Project, supported by the E.U. 


2007 – Somatic embryogenesis from mature Bambusa balcooa Roxburgh as basis for mass production of elite forestry bamboos
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2006 – Bamboo: A Material for Landscape and Garden Design

2003 – Compendium of Bamboo Research

2002 – Tissue Culture strategies for the genetic improvement of bamboo
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2002 – Micropropagation of tropical and temperate woody bamboos – from biotechnological dream to a commercial reality
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Micropropagation: a general method for commercial bamboo production
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Complete list of publications


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